Services for the re-issuance of organizational and educational documents for foreign students
- Центр интернационализации образования
- Department Address: г. Гродно, ул. Ожешко, 22, каб. 216
From 10.00 руб.
Number of hours: 30 minutes
Location: st. Ozheshko 22, office 216
Cost: 10 BYN
Courses conducted by:
Burlakina Elena Sergeevna, specialist
Bodrenkova Alisa Sergeevna, secretary
Contact information:
Center for Internationalization of Education
Department of International Projects and Academic Mobility
Grodno, st. Ozheshko 22, office 216
+375 (152) 68 12 44
Tags: documents, re-issue, issue of documents, issue, foreign citizens, ciе